A safe place for everyone
Ashley & Broomhill Community Council
"Ashley & Broomhill Community Council have been part of this project from the beginning and we are fully supportive of Great Western Community Trust’s plan to purchase and convert the Church into a community centre. It's an important building for our local community and currently holds both our primary school’s breakfast and after school clubs, amongst other important activities such as chair-based Tai Chi sessions that particuliarly benefiticial to residents suffering from an arthritic, or other musculoskeletal condition. We really want to bring people together and create a social hub for our area. ABCC has been assisting with community input and the positive responses we have recieved through various initiatives, be it via our online questionnaire, or our community events, has been overwhelming. We hope this project is successful and we will continue to support and work alongside Great Western Community Trust to achieve it’s goal."
Tom Murray
Ashley & Broomhill Community Council

Ashley Road Primary
The building is used at times for school events, and is used every day by the breakfast club, which may have no venue if the building is no longer available. I would encourage our school community to get behind the project as much as we can.
Mike Middleton
Head Teacher
We’re local teenagers and the building has been a huge part of our social lives growing up in this area and we’d be sad to see younger generations not have the same experience. We are currently collaborating with the Great Western Community Trust to develop ideas for the community centre that cater to teenagers, as we feel that the use of the centre would be extremely valuable for this age group.
Josie & Hannah
Aberdeen Grammar School
Liam Kerr MSP

Great Western Out of School Clubs
Great Western OOSC fully supports the Committee endeavours to secure the future of the Holburn West Church building as a community centre for the benefit of all in the community for many years to come.
Jan Watt
Senior Management - Great Western OOSC
Management Committee - Holburn West Community Group
Stephen Flynn MP

The building is such an important place for our units. The units are over 100 years old and a huge portion of that time we've been based at Holburn West Church. Hopefully we can show just how valuable a space it is and why it's so important to save it.
Iona Mathieson
Guides Leader

In this Church people share joy
It's an experience to make new friends
Whether you're a boy or girl
The church is a place to learn and play
It's a place for everyone
In every sort of way
But it could be sold
We would be forced to leave
We have to save it
Yes we have to believe!
We'll build up the money and buy it ourselves
We can save up
But we need your help!
It will be a community centre, that's what we'll do
But we need one thing and that is you!
If we turn the Church into a community centre
All sorts of people can use it for all sorts of reasons and things.
So join our community and help us save the Church

Ruthrieston Community Centre
"The closure of Holburn West and other churches in Aberdeen will result in a considerable loss in community resources which would not be easily absorbed within other existing facilities. This will mean a loss to the city as a whole and considerably reduce the potential for growth in the sector."
"We give our whole hearted support to GWCT and hope that you will too."
Evelyn Currie
Chair - Ruthrieston Community Centre
Our Supporters
Holburn West Parish Church
Ashley & Broomhill Community Council
Queen's Cross & Harlaw Community Council
Ferryhill & Ruthrieston Community Council
Great Western Out Of School Club
Ashley Road Primary School
Aberdeen Grammar School
Ruthrieston Community Centre
Rubislaw Church
Rubislaw Church Centre
Airyhall Community Centre
Versus Arthritis
Stagecoach Performing Arts
Girl Guides (Brownies, Rainbows & Guides)
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Lyric Musical Society
Aberdeen Gaelic Choir
Holburn West Parent & Toddler Group
Diana's Tiny Talk