A safe place for everyone
Great Western Community Trust (GWCT) is the legally incorporated charitable organisation set up to raise funds to purchase and manage Holburn West Church for the benefit of the community. It is registered with the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator.
You can look us up on their website at:
Our Charity number is SC052219
Why Was The Trust Formed?
GWCT applied to the Scottish Land Fund for money to help purchase the Church building. Following the successful purchase GWCT now operate Great Western Community Centre in the building
Great, How Can I Help?
As a new community centre, we need all the support we can get from local residents to ensure our community centre is sustainable and successful. That's where you come in.
What Does Becoming a Member Mean?
Becoming a member means that - if you want to - you get to vote on who the trustees are. The trustees are the people who make the day-to-day decisions on how the trust is run.
There is no risk and no financial responsibility to you. If the company gets into debt or has to wind up - nothing at all will happen to you.
How Do I Become a Member and How Much Does It Cost?
Membership is free and all you need to do is fill in the form below and click Submit.
Please support us by becoming a member today.