A safe place for everyone
Our next community event
in collaboration with Ashley & Broomhill community council
Great Western Community Centre is delighted to host the latest collaboration between Great Western Community Trust and Ashley & Broomhill Community Council.
On Sunday 16th February from 2pm to 5pm, we will be celebrating the Year of the Snake.
This FREE family friendly event will feature:
- Lion Dance by Yee's Hung Ga Kung Fu
- Traditional Chinese Dancing by Red Phoenix
- Winter Violet Chinese Studio Choir
- Chinese Calligraphy & Children's Crafts

New Indoor Bowling Group Starting Soon
Looking to stay active, make new friends and have loads of fun?
Our indoor bowling group is prefect for beginners and experienced bowlers alike.
Come and roll with us every Thursday morning from 10am to midday starting on THURSDAY 20TH FEBRUARY
only £2 per session.
For more information or to sign up email
or call us on 01224 675748

Feedback on new groups/classes
Here at Great Western Community Centre, we are continually looking at diversifying our programme of classes and are looking for your feedback on potential new groups starting.
These include classes for:
Drawing & Sketching
Dance Fitness
Chair Strength with Props
Adults Acroditioning
If you would like to learn more about any of these classes, or express an interest in any of them, please email us at
or call us on 01224 675748